
Harbour Area



Urban Area



Industrial Area



Rivers and Lakes (Floods)



Rivers and Lakes (Quality)



Catchment Management



Coastal and Estuaries

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Harbour Area

At RPS, we have over 4 decades of experience in supporting clients in the Ports and Harbours sector. Our team of specialist engineers, environmental scientists and planners manage maritime infrastructure developments from inception to completion producing industry leading design and cost effective solutions to meet specific client needs. We use proprietary modelling software to support port and harbour design, maritime safety, coastal process simulation, scheme design and several other areas. From strategic research and development to environmental impact assessments, storm surge forecasting, integrated catchment management, sea level rise and flood risk assessment and prevention, we engage closely with partners at every stage of a project.



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Urban Area

We support our clients across the world in planning, designing, and developing effective solutions, in both small- and large-scale urban water projects. Through asset management and assessment, our water specialists consult on urban drainage systems in cities and regional areas and make it easy to for our clients to connect to the information, advice and actions they need to enhance flood resilience for the cities and communities they’re responsible for.




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Industrial Area

Industrial development is a sector defined by innovation and efficiency, and our water specialists are committed to shaping a better future for it, providing technical and commercial expertise to sustainably utilise, manage and conserve water resources. From leak monitoring and detection services, to deploying dewatering strategies to support safe operations, we have extensive experience in flood mitigation, pollution control and water resource management across several global industries.




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Rivers and Lakes (Floods)

Understanding and mitigating flood risk is a high priority for corporations, governments, and communities alike. Our experts at RPS work with organisations across the globe, to build a flood-resilient future for our rivers and lakes.

We conduct asset inspections and formulate flood responses, as well as deep hydrology and hydraulic modelling and flood risk assessments for our clients. We have experience in river restoration schemes, to prevent pluvial and fluvial flooding and alleviating tidal floods and can provide a multi-criteria analysis of both flood risk and flood risk management solutions.




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Rivers and Lakes (Quality)

Protecting the water environment from pollution, particularly with rivers and lakes is a key part of government legislation across the world. At RPS, we enable pollution prevention for rivers and lakes as our water specialists have a deep understanding of pollution history.

We can provide strategies to mitigate against watercourse pollution, predict sewer network failures help our clients avoid significant financial penalties. We conduct water quality sampling and analysis from our state-of-the-art laboratories, provide detailed environmental impact assessments and water quality impact assessments and help our clients meet their regulatory needs, with bespoke tools to assess their compliance levels.




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Catchment Management

Catchment Management can help to reduce the impact of flooding to our towns, cities, key infrastructure and environmentally sensitive areas. It requires a combined consideration of land and water management based upon our river catchments and our coastal areas as the natural, geographical management unit.

At RPS, we support central and local government agencies and private clients across the world in catchment management. We formulate policy, deliver national and catchment scale strategies, execute feasibility studies, deliver project appraisals and site-specific flood risk assessments and design solutions.




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Coastal and Estuaries

Mitigating against Coastal related flooding and extreme weather events is vital to prevent threats to life, and untold billions in damage and lost productivity. At RPS, we have deep expertise in inspecting coastal structures and assessing their conditions and maintaining their integrity. We conduct physical and computational modelling, and engage with physical coastal processes (hydrodynamic, wave transformation, sediment transport, coastal evolution, harbour disturbance) and water quality modelling.

We assess the environmental impacts of coastal structures and outfall siting and dispersion through engineering design criteria and analysis.





RPS Virtual City

The impact of climate change is felt in the quality of our water resources. If we are to mitigate these impacts, we’re going to need strategic water and environmental solutions. In the RPS Virtual City you will find the complete suite of water services that we offer our clients, across the entire Water industry. See how we promote and support systems thinking in a holistic, integrated manner.

In the city there are seven key areas to explore, that represent a specific set of key services and expertise we have honed over decades in these spaces. Users can readily access content to help them visualise the deep expertise we have at RPS, solving problems that matter. Each area also includes contextual links to projects and case studies, showcasing our past successes for some of the biggest clients across the UK, Europe and globally.

For more information visit: www.rpsgroup.com

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